When I met Jana Simone she came into Rokit Camden Town beaming and unassuming. As she chose some unique vintage pieces while shopping with her Mum, she had an air …
Remember To Stay Positive…
With everything that is going on around the world at the moment, it’s easy to forget about keeping yourself positive and healthy. Your mindset is everything! Try and stay positive.
Sunflower Seeds A ‘Good Mood Food’
It’s been emotional. When I say that, I am talking about lock-down. The first was like a well earned rest and not really a massive inconvenience, seeing as I was …
It’s Okay If Your Body Changes
It’s okay to eat that second scoop, that second slice, if it tastes nice? It’s okay to schlurp your tea, with added cream and just feel free. We put so …
Sleep Rituals For A Stress Free Sleep
Anyone finding it hard to sleep? Tossing and turning at night worrying about the pandemic? Rent? Bills? Whether you will keep your job? Whether the schools will re-open soon? Mounting …
Go Green With A Tasty Spicy Salmon Salad
It’s no surprise that many of us have gained a few pounds over lock-down. Sat at home, working from home, watching Netflix or just stuck in a cramped house with …
Martin Luther King
For some reason during this lock-down, I have immersed myself in old black and white documentaries. Films about activism, justice, African history, the black power movement and black cinema archives …
One Tin Two Soups
With the weather well and truly cold, it’s a great time to bed down with a big bowl of soup. I am a lover of making soups using root vegetables …
Try My Simple Seasonal Fish Supper
I love a regular fish and chips. Nothing makes me happier than the smell of deep fried batter and dowsing my king Edwards in an obscene amount of vinegar. When …
London Street Style
I bumped into Yiann Gao on Bond Street in Mayfair London and just loved how effortless she looked. She didn’t let a face mask damped her spirits and nor should …